Seminars in Speech and Language: Issue 1/2024 is ready! 2024-06-03

Editor's Choice

Jacqueline S. Laures-Gore, Hannah Griffey

Religiosity, Spirituality, Healthcare, and Aphasia Rehabilitation


Intersectionality in Aphasia Services for Ethnosocially Diverse Adult Populations

Guest Editors: José G. Centeno, Ph.D., CCC-SLP and Jacqueline S. Laures-Gore, Ph.D., CCC-SLP


Centeno, José G.; Laures-Gore, Jacqueline S.:

Intersectionality in Aphasia Services for Ethnosocially Diverse Adult Populations

Review Article

Harmon, Tyson G.:

Understanding and Addressing the Individualized Emotional Impact of Aphasia: A Framework for Speech-Language Pathologists

Laures-Gore, Jacqueline S.; Griffey, Hannah:

Religiosity, Spirituality, Healthcare, and Aphasia Rehabilitation

Greenwald, Roby; Laures-Gore, Jacqueline S.; Nogueira, Leticia M.:

The Intersectionality of Climate Change and Post-Stroke Aphasia

Armstrong, Elizabeth; Colegate, Kerri; Papertalk, Lenny; Crowe, Stuart; McAllister, Meaghan; Hersh, Deborah; Ciccone, Natalie; Godecke, Erin; Katzenellenbogen, Judith; Coffin, Juli:

Intersectionality and Its Relevance in the Context of Aboriginal People with Brain Injury in Australia

Centeno, José G.:

A Call for Transformative Intersectional LPAA Intervention for Equity and Social Justice in Ethnosocially Diverse Post-Stroke Aphasia Services

Evans, Elizabeth; Jacobs, Molly; Ellis, Charles:

The Intersection of Social Determinants of Health and Post-stroke Aphasia Outcomes: A Need for Intersectional Analysis

About the Journal

ISSN 0734-0478

Seminars in Speech and Language 为主题导向型综述期刊,涵盖了言语语言病理学的整个范畴。发表在本刊的每篇论文,无论是受邀的还是公开提交的,都是一个专题,读者可以通过阅读论文获得学习成果。

Seminars in Speech and Language 的使命是通过帮助专业人士和准专业人士的职业发展和终身学习来改善语言病理学服务。 主题包括:理论问题或话题、诊断程序、筛选和评估技术、治疗方案、干预研究、服务交付、管理实践、教学奖学金。这些可以跨越语言病理学实践范围内的任何领域。