VCOT: Issue 02/2024 is online! 2024-05-08

Issue 02

March 2024


Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Issue 02 · Volume 37 · March 2024


Johnson, Kenneth A.:

Procuring Research Funding for Your Research

Original Research

Kerbert, Maria P.; Freeland, Russell B.; Verhaar, Nicole; Baker, William T.:

Racing Performance and Sale Result in 145 Thoroughbreds after Arthroscopic Removal of Osteochondral Fragments from the Lateral Femoral Trochlear Ridge as a Yearling (2012–2015)

Payne, Dylan J.L.; Sparks, Tim H.; Smith, Matthew A.J.; Macdonald, Nicholas J.:

Computed Tomography Topographical Analysis of Incomplete Humeral Intracondylar Fissures in English Springer Spaniel Dogs

Chen, Monica; Harper, Tisha A.M.; Gal, Arnon; Keller, Krista A.; Hamel, Philip E.:

Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Safe Corridors for Pin Placement in Rabbit Thoracolumbar Vertebrae and Sacrum

Scharpf, Marlene; Theyse, Lars F.H.:

Assessment of Outcome of Arthroscopic Subtotal Coronoidectomy in Treating Medial Coronoid Disease and Effect of Concurrent Autologous Conditioned Plasma in Dogs Using Force Plate Analysis

Sandberg, Gabriella S.; Pawloski, Thomas; Kang, Sean; Banu, Eliza; Torres, Bryan T.; Budsberg, Steven C.:

Influence of Wearing a Tactical Harness on Three-Dimensional Thoracic Limb Kinematics

Clinical Communication

Nicetto, Tommaso; Longo, Federico:

Trochlear Ridge Prostheses for Reshaping Femoral Trochlear Ridges in Dogs with Patellar Luxation

Open Access

Bondonny, Laura; Jacqmin, Maxime; Ferrand, François-Xavier; Taroni, Mathieu; Rivier, Pablo:

Use of a Modified Intramedullary Pinning Technique for Distal Femoral Physeal Salter–Harris Type I and II Fracture Management: A Retrospective Study of 31 Cats


How to Choose the Right Animal Model and Make Appropriate Decisions in Preclinical Research

Free Access

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT) 是目前全球向公众开放的兽医整形外科和神经外科临床相关信息的最重要单一资料来源。它的独特之处在于它真正是比较性的,并且汇集了当今具有直接临床相关性的大量兽医外科综述论文和基础科学研究。 


VCOT每年出版 6 期,包括印刷版和在线版。在线服务包括投稿和审查、内容警示和快速发表。