European Journal of Pediatric Surgery: issue 2/2024 is ready! 2024-05-08

Issue 02

 April 2024

Editor's Choice

Rossi et al.

Bridging the Gap: A Systematic Review on Reporting Baseline Characteristics, Process, and Outcome Parameters in Rectosigmoid Hirschsprung's Disease

先天性巨结肠 (HSCR) 研究中标准化、明确参数的变化阻碍了总体比较,并使跨医疗机构的护理质量评估变得复杂。 本综述讨论了最近出版物中报道的这些参数中观察到的显着变化。 目标是编制一份常见描述的基线特征、过程和结果衡量标准的列表,并调查其利用和定义方面的差异。 根据PRISMA指南,对HSCR初级保健流程的文献进行了系统回顾。 通过将Medline、Embase和Cochrane Library中的检索词“先天性巨结肠”与“治疗结果”、“并发症”、“死亡率”、“发病率”和“生存率”相结合,获得了 2015 年至 2021 年发表的相关文献。我们提取了研究特征、报告的过程和结果参数以及患者和疾病特征。 我们从 200 篇出版物中提取了 1,026 个参数,并将其分类为患者特征 (n = 226)、治疗和护理过程特征 (n = 199) 和结果 (n = 601)。 超过 5% 的出版物共报道了 116 个参数。 最常报告的特征是性别(88%)、手术时年龄(66%)、术后先天性巨结肠相关小肠结肠炎(64%)、修复类型(57%)、大便失禁(54%)和程度 神经节缺失症(51%)。 本次审查强调了 HSCR 研究中报告参数的显着变化,强调了一致、明确的措施和报告系统的必要性,以促进提高数据可解释性。 此外,它主张在制定核心指标集时使用这些发现,以补充最近制定的核心成果集。 这将促进整个欧洲儿科外科中心的质量评估。

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European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Issue 02 · Volume 34 · April 2024


Teunissen, Nadine M.; Wijnen, Rene M.H.:

Unlocking the Power of Data: Standardized Data Collection in Pediatric Surgery

Review Article

Irvine, Willemijn F.E.; Spivack, Olivia K.C.; Ista, Erwin:

Moving toward the Development and Effective Implementation of High-Quality Guidelines in Pediatric Surgery: A Review of the Literature

Allin, Benjamin S.R.; Bethell, George S.; Hall, Nigel J.:

Development Methodology, Availability, and Implementation of Core Outcome Sets in Pediatric Surgery

Sfeir, Rony; Aumar, Madeleine; Sharma, Dyuti; Labreuche, Julien; Dauchet, Luc; Gottrand, Frederic:

The French Experience with a Population-Based Esophageal Atresia Registry (RENATO)

Spivack, Olivia K.C.; Dellenmark-Blom, Michaela; Dingemann, Jens; ten Kate, Chantal A.; Wallace, Vuokko; Bramer, Wichor M.; Quitmann, Julia H.; Rietman, Andre:

A Narrative Review of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures and Their Application in Recent Pediatric Surgical Research: Advancing Knowledge and Offering New Perspectives to the Field

Open Access

Holden, Kylie I.; Ebanks, Ashley H.; Lally, Kevin P.; Harting, Matthew T.:

The CDH Study Group: Past, Present, and Future

Avitzur, Yaron; Pahl, Eric; Venick, Robert; and the International Intestinal Failure Registry:

The Development of the International Intestinal Failure Registry and an Overview of its Results

Open Access

Madadi-Sanjani, Omid; Ure, Benno M.:

Benchmarks for Pediatric Surgical Registries: Recommendations for the Assessment and Grading of Complications

Rossi, Daniel; Löf Granström, Anna; Teunissen, Nadine M.; Wijnen, René M.H.; Wester, Tomas; Sloots, Cornelius E.J.:

Bridging the Gap: A Systematic Review on Reporting Baseline Characteristics, Process, and Outcome Parameters in Rectosigmoid Hirschsprung's Disease

Free Access

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