Endoscopy: issue 11/2023 is ready! 2023-11-23

Issue 11 · Volume 55 · November 2023

Endoscopy 2023年第11期现已上线。欢迎免费阅读本期主编精选的三篇论文。

Van Tilburg 等人描述了一项前瞻性单中心研究,该研究对 202 名原发性头颈部鳞状细胞癌 (HNSCC) 患者进行了上消化道内镜筛查。5%的患者发现了食管第二原发肿瘤 (SPT),其中 10 例患者中有 9 例处于早期阶段,8 例可进行内镜下根治性切除。作者建议,选定的患者应在确诊 HNSCC 1 到 2 年后常规接受上消化道内镜筛查。

原发性肥胖症腔内手术 2.0(POSE 2.0)是一种内窥镜手术,通过全厚胃钳夹术缩小胃腔,大幅减轻体重是治疗非酒精性脂肪性肝炎的可靠方法。本期第二篇精选论文来自AlKhatry 等人,这是一项针对肥胖和非酒精性脂肪肝成人患者的前瞻性研究,比较了 POSE 2.0 与生活方式调整(n = 20)与单纯生活方式调整(n = 22)。12 个月后,与单纯改变生活方式组相比,POSE 2.0 组在控制衰减参数方面的效果明显更好,脂肪变性的缓解更频繁,总体重减轻的百分比也明显更高。要阐明 POSE 2.0 在非酒精性脂肪性肝炎中的作用及其对晚期纤维化患者的疗效和安全性,还需要进一步的研究。




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Original article

Endoscopic screening of the upper gastrointestinal tract for second primary tumors in patients with head and neck cancer in a Western country

van Tilburg Laurelle et al.

Patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) can develop second primary tumors (SPTs) in the esophagus. Endoscopic screening could lead to detection of SPTs at early stages and improve survival.

Endoscopic screening of the upper.jpg

Innovations and brief communications

Improvements in hepatic steatosis, obesity, and insulin resistance in adults with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease after the primary obesity surgery endoluminal 2.0 procedure

AlKhatry Maryam et al.

The primary obesity surgery endoluminal 2.0 (POSE 2.0) procedure involves full-thickness gastric body plications to narrow the stomach using durable suture anchor pairs. AlKhatry et al. evaluated POSE 2.0 as a treatment strategy for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in patients with obesity.

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Innovations and brief communications

Underwater cap-suction pseudopolyp formation for endoscopic mucosal resection: a simple technique for treating flat, appendiceal orifice or ileocecal valve colorectal lesions

Uchima Hugo et al.

Uchima et al. aimed to evaluate the safety and technical success of an easy-to-use technique that applies underwater cap suction pseudopolyp formation to facilitate the resection of flat lesions or those at the appendiceal orifice or ileocecal valve.

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