恭喜获奖者 | Women in Chemistry Awards 2025 2025-03-14

恭喜Franziska Schoenebeck教授和Dani Schultz博士荣获2025年Women in Chemistry Award (女性化学家奖)。

Thieme及Science of Synthesis的编辑们很高兴地宣布2025年Dr. Margaret Faul Women in Chemistry Award 的获奖者。今年,评选委员会首次从学术界和工业界分别挑选一名候选人授予该奖项。

Franziska Schoenebeck教授(德国亚琛工业大学)和Dani Schultz博士(美国新泽西州默克公司)凭借她们研究的卓越创造力和独到见解,以及对合成有机化学领域的广泛贡献,当选为2025年该奖项的获奖者。颁奖典礼将于2025年6月29日至7月3日在丹麦哥本哈根举行的欧洲有机化学研讨会(ESOC)上举行,届时两位获奖者将亲自领奖。


Prof. Franziska Schoenebeck

Franziska Schoenebeck于英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学获得博士学位,随后赴美国加州大学洛杉矶分校担任研究员,并于2010年加入瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)担任助理教授。2013年,她转至现任机构——德国亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen University),并于2016年晋升为全职教授。

Franziska Schoenebeck在有机合成和计算机理化学领域做出了杰出贡献,研究涵盖了多个不同主题,包括有机锗在合成和催化中的应用、开发氮基团三氟甲基化的高效方法,以及机器学习在双核金属络合物催化剂的研究与开发中的应用。

Dr. Margaret Faul (AMGEN Inc., USA) :

Congratulations to Prof. Franziska Schoenebeck on receiving the prestigious Women in Chemistry Award in recognition of her groundbreaking contributions to synthetic organic chemistry and catalysis. Her pioneering research in organogermane cross-coupling, N-trifluoromethyl compound synthesis, and multinuclear metal catalysis have advanced our modern synthetic methodologies and paves the way for transformative applications in pharmaceuticals, materials science, and beyond.

Prof. Alois Fürstner (MPI Mülheim, Germany) :

It is truly wonderful to see how the tradition and prestige of the WiC award is continued and reinforced with every round. With Prof. Franziska Schoenebeck, an internationally leading figure is honored who pursues a highly innovative program at the prosperous intersection of synthetic method development, organometallic catalysis, physical-organic chemistry and theory. Among many other things, she succeeded in turning reagents and catalysts into real champions that were previously considered exotic at best.


Dr. Dani Schultz

Dani Schultz于美国密歇根大学获得博士学位,随后获得美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)博士后奖学金,前往美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校Tehshik Yoon教授的实验室工作。2014年,Dani加入了位于美国新泽西州拉威市的默克公司(Merck)过程化学团队,目前担任发现过程化学团队(Discovery Process Chemistry )的主任。

Dani Schultz是一位成就卓越的科学家,在她的学术和职业生涯中展现出了领导力、创造力和独到见解,推动了默克公司乃至更广泛的化学领域的科学和文化发展。她通过开发新型药物形式并将其迅速转化为临床应用,以及在众多学术合作中领导开发新的合成方法,对该领域产生了重要影响。

Dr. Margaret Faul (AMGEN Inc., USA) :

Congratulations to Dr. Dani Schultz as the first industrial recipient of the prestigious Women in Chemistry Award! Her groundbreaking work in synthetic process chemistry, catalysis, and high throughput experimentation has advanced the field, driving innovation and expanding possibilities for advancement of novel therapeutics in the future.

Prof. Alois Fürstner (MPI Mülheim, Germany) :

Dr. Dani Schultz is a most deserving recipient of the first Dr. Margaret Faul Women in the Chemical Industry Award. Very much in the best tradition of the namesake of this prize, she excels in her job by combining intriguing real-world-problem solving abilities with true excellence in science.


