VCOT: Issue 03/2024 is ready! 2024-06-17

Issue 03

May 2024


Johnson, Kenneth A.:

Interfragmentary Compression of Tibial Osteotomies

Original Research

Condon, Anna; Keeley, Ben; Midgley, Duncan; Butterworth, Steven; Schofield, Imogen; Bright, Steven:

Humeral Condylar Fractures in French Bulldogs—Inciting Cause and Factors Influencing Complications of Internal Fixation in 136 Dogs

Schweinsberg, Lorenz P.; Ehrle, Anna; Jensen, Katharina Charlotte; Lischer, Christoph J.; Cender, Andrea Noguera:

Position of the Proximal Manica Flexoria under different grades of fetlock joint extension – A biomechanical observational study in the equine fore- and hindlimb

Alvarez, Rodrigo; Motta, Claudio; Miraldo, Diogo:

In Vitro Assessment of Compression Patterns Using Different Methods to Achieve Interfragmentary Compression during Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy

Sabol, Julianna C.; Mariani, Christopher L.:

Implantation Corridors in Canine Thoracic Vertebrae: A Morphometric Study in Dogs of Varying Sizes

Socha, Dennis E.; Pownder, Sarah L.; Kayano, Mitsunori; Koff, Matthew F.; Hayashi, Kei:

Ultrashort Echo Time Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Cruciate Ligaments in Normal Beagles

Clinical Communication

Nicolas, Marie; Bureau, Stéphane; Job, Chloé; Guillemot, Alexandre:

Scapular Osteotomy for Lateral Access to a T1-2 Foraminal Disc Extrusion, Treated by Mini-Hemilaminectomy in a Dog

Carrera, Alefe L.C.; Minto, Bruno W.; Curuci, Eloy H.P.; Paula, Carla G.; Jassniker, Julia B.; Cunha, Olicies:

Early Surgical Management of Medial Patellar Luxation in Juvenile Dogs

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (VCOT) 是目前全球向公众开放的兽医整形外科和神经外科临床相关信息的最重要单一资料来源。它的独特之处在于它真正是比较性的,并且汇集了当今具有直接临床相关性的大量兽医外科综述论文和基础科学研究。 


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