Seminars in Plastic Surgery Issue 2/2024: 小儿烧伤护理 2024-06-11

Issue 02

May 2024

Pediatric Burn Care

Guest Editor: Jong O. Lee, MD, FACS, FCCM, FABA


正是不同专业的合作才为小儿烧伤患者提供了最好的护理。每篇稿件均由来自美国北加州Shriners儿童医院及其附属机构的作者撰写。本期专刊,我们希望分享Shriners儿童医院治疗儿童烧伤患者的方法。Shriners International在美国经营着四家烧伤医院。60 多年来,Shriners儿童医院一直为来自世界各地的儿童提供复杂的烧伤护理和重建手术。第一家Shriners 儿童烧伤医院 (Shriners Burns Institute) 于 1963 年在德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿成立。随后,Shriners在波士顿、萨克拉门托和辛辛那提开设了另外三家烧伤医院,并于 2021 年迁至俄亥俄州代顿。Shriners儿童医院仍然是地方、地区、国家和国际范围内儿童烧伤护理的主要三级转诊中心。


Introduction to the Guest Editor

Buchanan, Edward P.:



Lee, Jong O.:

Pediatric Burn Care

Review Article

Romanowski, Kathleen S.:

Pediatric Burn Teams: Moving from Multidisciplinary to Transdisciplinary

Palmieri, Tina L.:

Initial Pediatric Burn Management: A Practical Guide

Erickson, Michael J.; Enkhbaatar, Perenlei; Lee, Jong O.:

Inhalation Injury

Mittal, Brita M.; McQuitty, Robert A.; Talon, Mark; McQuitty, Alexis L.:

Airway Management for Acute and Reconstructive Burns: Our 30-year Experience

Greenhalgh, David G.:

Wound Management of Pediatric Burns

Naber, Catherine; Sheridan, Robert:

Critical Care of the Pediatric Burn Patient

Mrazek, Amy A.; Simpson, Preston; Lee, Jong O.:

Nutrition in Pediatric Burns

Layon, Sarah A.; Williams, Austin D.; Parham, Matthew J.; Lee, Jong O.:

Update on Hypermetabolism in Pediatric Burn Patients

Rosenberg, Marta; Rodriguez, Robert; Grant, Staci; Miguel, Alicia San; Lee, Jong O.; Rosenberg, Laura:

Benefits and Process of Providing Peer Support for Pediatric Burn Survivors and Caregivers during Inpatient and Outpatient Phases of Recovery

Phillips, William A.:

Musculoskeletal Issues in Pediatric Burn Patients

Kleinhapl, Julia; Knappskog, Kristine; Finnerty, Celeste C.; Branski, Ludwik; Suman, Oscar E.:

The Historical Evolvement of Movement and Exercise Training in Patients with Severe Burns and Their Potential Effects on Grafts, Scars, and Function

Moon, Tina; Driscoll, Daniel N.:

Pediatric Facial Burn Reconstruction

Zapata-Sirvent, Ramon L.; Branski, Ludwik K.; Lee, Jong O.:

Global Surgery: Burn Outreach by Shriners Children's Texas

Seminars in Plastic Surgery 为综述季刊,内容涵盖美容整形和重建整形手术各领域的专题。涉及乳房重建术、鼻部整形术、脂肪生成和抽脂手术、颅颌面创伤及所有其他主要整形外科手术等专题。
