American Journal of Perinatology: Issue 7/2024 is ready! 2024-05-23

Issue 07

May 2024

Editor's Choice

Williams et al.

Mode of Delivery and Unplanned Cesarean: Differences in Rates and Indication by Race, Ethnicity, and Sociodemographic Characteristics


研究设计:我们对 2017 年至 2019 年期间大于 34 周的新生儿进行了一项回顾性队列研究。我们的主要结果是试产后的意外剖宫产。排除了多胎妊娠、剖宫产后阴道分娩、选择性重复或初次剖宫产以及阴道分娩禁忌症。分娩方式与患者特征之间的关系采用卡方检验、Fisher精确检验或 t 检验进行评估。通过多变量逻辑回归估算胜数比。拟合优度采用 Hosmer Lemeshow 检验进行评估。

结果:在 18,946 例分娩中,剖宫产率总体为 14.8%,在无阴道患者中为 21.3%。在对年龄、体重指数(BMI)和胎次进行调整后,黑人和亚裔妇女发生意外剖宫产的几率明显增加,分别为 1.69(95% CI:1.45,1.96)和 1.23(1.08,1.40)。西班牙裔单身女性的调整后几率为 1.65(1.08, 2.54)。单身女性剖宫产的调整后几率为 1.18(1.05, 1.31)。39%(613 例)的白人妇女剖宫产的原因是胎儿不耐受,而黑人妇女和西班牙裔妇女的这一比例分别为 63%(231 例)和 49%(71 例)(P <0.001)。

结论:与白人女性相比,黑人和亚裔女性的计划外剖腹产率明显更高,即使在调整了年龄、体重指数、产次和邮政编码收入阶层之后,自认单身的西班牙裔女性的计划外剖腹产率也更高。 剖腹产指征和阴道手术分娩存在种族和民族差异。 未来迫切需要开展工作,以更好地了解提供者护理或患者属性的差异,以及可能导致这些发现的潜在提供者偏见。

SMFM Fellows Research Article

DeBolt, Chelsea A.; Rao, Manasa G.; Limaye, Meghana A.; London, Viktoriya; Sagaram, Deepika; Roman, Ashley S.; Minkoff, Howard; Bernstein, Peter S.; Overbey, Jessica R.; Kaplowitz, Elianna; Meislin, Rachel; Toner, Lorraine E.; Khander, Amrin; Bigelow, Catherine A.; Stone, Joanne:

Grand Multiparity and Obstetric Outcomes in a Contemporary Cohort: The Role of Increasing Parity

Clinical Opinion

Aylward, Glen P.:

Alterations in Preterm Brain Development: Relation to Developmental Assessment and Prediction

Short Communication

Rush, Margaret; Srinivas, Sindhu K.; Hamm, Rebecca F.:

Hemoglobin Change after Red Blood Cell Transfusion for Postpartum Anemia: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized, Controlled Trial

Original Article

Williams, Alexandria; Little, Sarah E.; Bryant, Allison S.; Smith, Nicole A.:

Mode of Delivery and Unplanned Cesarean: Differences in Rates and Indication by Race, Ethnicity, and Sociodemographic Characteristics

Massa, Katherine; Ramireddy, Soumya; Ficenec, Sara; Mank, Carolyn; Josephsen, Justin; Babbar, Shilpa:

A Randomized Control Trial of Meditation for Mothers Pumping Breastmilk for Preterm Infants

Zahedi-Spung, Leilah Deborah; Raghuraman, Nandini; Carter, Ebony B.; Cahill, Alison G.; Rosenbloom, Joshua I.:

Umbilical Artery Cord Gas Abnormalities in the Presence of a Nuchal Cord in Term Singleton Pregnancies: A Cohort Study

Boelig, Rupsa C.; Mcintosh, Jennifer; Feltovich, Helen; House, Michael:

Cervical Length Ultrasound for the Evaluation of Preterm Labor: A Survey of National Use and Review of Evidence

Hong, Subeen; Park, Kyo Hoon; Kim, Yu Mi; Joo, Eunwook; Kim, Hyeon Ji; Ahn, Kwanghee:

Measurements of Interleukin-8 and Matrix Metalloproteinases-9 in Cervicovaginal Fluid in Women with Preterm Labor: A Direct Comparison with Amniotic Fluid

Cagino, Kristen; Chasen, Stephen T.:

Is Amniocentesis after CVS Risky?

Kesrouani, Assaad; Abdallah, Wael; Hatoum, Inaam; Khalil, Khalil; Nagib, Bernard; Choueiry, Elie; Nasr, Bernard:

Association between Fetal Adrenal Gland Ultrasound Measurements in the 9th Month and Mode of Delivery

Hensel, Drew; Helou, Nicole El; Zhang, Fan; Stout, Molly J.; Raghuraman, Nandini; Friedman, Hayley; Carter, Ebony; Odibo, Anthony O.; Kelly, Jeannie C.:

The Impact of a Multidisciplinary Opioid Use Disorder Prenatal Clinic on Breastfeeding Rates and Postpartum Care

Newman, Roger B.; Stevens, Danielle R.; Hunt, Kelly J.; Grobman, William A.; Owen, John; Sciscione, Anthony; Wapner, Ronald J.; Skupski, Daniel; Chien, Edward K.; Wing, Deborah A.; Ranzini, Angela C.; Porto, Manuel; Grantz, Katherine L.:

Fetal Growth Biometry as Predictors of Shoulder Dystocia in a Low-Risk Obstetrical Population

Murnan, Aaron W.; Keim, Sarah A.; Klebanoff, Mark A.:

Exploration of Differences between Women Who Do and Do Not Disclose Their Marijuana Use during Pregnancy

Brown, Jewel A.; Huff, Mallorie L.; Arboleda, Bianca L.; Louis, Judette M.:

The Relationship between Body Mass Index and Operative Complications in Patients undergoing Immediate Postpartum Tubal Ligation

Graves, Stephen M.; Montemorano, Lauren; Rood, Kara M.; Costantine, Maged M.; Fiorini, Kasey; Cackovic, Michael:

Viscoelastic Testing in an Obstetric Population at High Risk of Hemorrhage

Attanasio, Laura B.; Ranchoff, Brittany L.; Long, Jaime B.; Kjerulff, Kristen H.:

Recovery from Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury in a Prospective Cohort of First Births

McElrath, Thomas F.; Druzin, Maurice; Van Marter, Linda J.; May, Ryan C.; Brown, Carrie; Stek, Alice; Grobman, William; Dolan, Mary; Chang, Patricia; Flood-Schaffer, Kellie; Parker, Lamar; Meador, Kimford J.; Pennell, Page B.; for the MONEAD Investigator Group:

The Obstetrical Care and Delivery Experience of Women with Epilepsy in the MONEAD Study

Wade, Eleanor; McBride, Christina M.; Elling, Sara L.; Shvartsman, Katerina; Thagard, Andrew S.:

Validated, Consensus-Based Second- and Third-Trimester Sonographic Learning Objectives for the Obstetrics Clerkship

Horn, Arlyn; Adgent, Margaret A.; Osmundson, Sarah S.; Wiese, Andrew D.; Phillips, Sharon E.; Patrick, Stephen W.; Griffin, Marie R.; Grijalva, Carlos G.:

Risk of Death at 1 Year Following Postpartum Opioid Exposure

American Journal of Perinatology为同行评审国际期刊,每年出版14期,内容涉及原创研究和专题综述。它是产科学、新生儿科学、围产科学和母胎医学专家的权威论坛,侧重于衔接不同领域。

本刊主要关注临床和转化研究,诊断、监测和治疗方面的临床和技术进展以及循证评述。热门主题包括孕产妇、胎儿和新生儿疾病的流行病学及诊断、预防和管理。出版的稿件涉及新技术、新生儿重症监护病房 (NICU) 设置和护理等主题,以期对该领域的重要问题进行广泛的探讨。

所有论文均通过在线提交,经过严格的同行评审,稿件处理速度快,可同时提供电子版。AJP Reports是American Journal of Perinatology的姊妹期刊,为新生儿和母胎医学病例报告的开放获取期刊。