Endoscopy: issue 10/2023 is ready! 2023-10-26

Issue 10 · Volume 55 · October 2023

Endoscopy 2023年第10期现已上线。欢迎免费阅读本期主编精选的三篇论文。

在东亚,内镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)是治疗早期胃癌的公认标准疗法,而在西方,只有少数转诊中心才开展这种手术。在本期第一篇精选论文中,Bhandari 等人回顾性地报告了在四个欧洲中心完成的415例胃部 ESD。他们确定了并发症的预测因素,并建议尽管ESD是可行和安全的,但R0率仍有待提高,ESD的实施仍应仅限于专家中心。


内镜在消化道疾病诊断和治疗中的作用正在迅速发生变化,同时患者的自决权也得到了更多重视。最新的 ESGE 立场声明针对这些问题,概述了知情同意和能力评估的原则,并强调了患者自主权和个性化的必要性。其目的是为从事消化内镜检查的临床医生提供在大多数临床情况下寻求知情同意的工具。



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Original article

Predictors of long-term outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection of early gastric neoplasia in the West: a multicenter study

Bhandari Pradeep et al.

This study aimed to determine long-term outcomes of gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) in Western settings based on the latest Japanese indication criteria, and to examine predictors of outcomes and complications.

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Original article

The carbon footprint of ambulatory gastrointestinal endoscopy

Lacroute Joël et al.

Endoscopy is considered the third highest generator of waste within healthcare. This is of public importance as approximately 18 million endoscopy procedures are performed yearly in the USA and 2 million in France. However, a precise measure of the carbon footprint of gastrointestinal endoscopy (GIE) is lacking. 

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Position Statement

Informed consent for endoscopic procedures: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Position Statement

Everett Simon M et al. 

This Position Statement from the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy reviews the current legislature and guidelines related to informed consent in gastrointestinal endoscopy. It stresses the need to obtain individualized informed consent from patients undergoing endoscopy and aims to provide a framework to support clinicians seeking consent for endoscopy in most common clinical scenarios. 

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