Endoscopy: issue 8/2023 is ready! 2023-08-24

Issue 08 · Volume 55 · August 2023

Endoscopy 2023年第8期现已上线。欢迎免费阅读本期主编精选的三篇论文。

本期有两篇开放获取论文涉及计算机辅助诊断 (CADx)。Robles-Medranda 等人进一步开发了一种人工智能模型,用于在实时数字胆道镜检查过程中诊断肿瘤。在随后使用 170 名患者视频进行的临床验证中,该模型的灵敏度达到 91%,特异度达到 68%,与非专家和专家内镜医师的表现相当或更胜一筹。

Houwen等人对小型结直肠息肉(包括无蒂锯齿状病变)的 CADx 光学诊断与筛查内窥镜医师的诊断进行了实时多中心比较。粪便免疫化学检验呈阳性的 194 名患者中,准确率相当。作者建议,要想大幅提高CADx的性能,必须提高系统数据集图像的质量和多样性。

本期第三篇精选论文介绍了一种新型的镜下缝合(through-the-scope,TTS)装置,这种装置无需在治疗前撤出镜片,更容易进入困难部位。Krishnan 等人报告了在 53 名患者的整个消化道中成功使用该工具缝合大块粘膜缺损以及瘘管闭合和支架固定的情况。



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Original article

Artificial intelligence for diagnosing neoplasia on digital cholangioscopy: development and multicenter validation of a convolutional neural network model

Robles-Medranda Carlos et al.

Robles-Medranda et al. aimed to develop a convolutional neural network (CNN) model for detecting neoplastic lesions during real-time digital single-operator cholangioscopy (DSOC) and to clinically validate the model through comparisons with DSOC expert and nonexpert endoscopists.

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Original article

Computer-aided diagnosis for optical diagnosis of diminutive colorectal polyps including sessile serrated lesions: a real-time comparison with screening endoscopists

Houwen Britt BSL et al.

Houwen et al. aimed to compare the accuracy of the optical diagnosis of diminutive colorectal polyps, including sessile serrated lesions (SSLs), between a computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) system and endoscopists during real-time colonoscopy.

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Innovations and brief communications

Endoscopic management of gastrointestinal wall defects, fistula closure, and stent fixation using through-the-scope tack and suture system

Krishnan Arunkumar et al.

Multiple devices are available for tissue approximation. A new through-the-scope suturing (TTSS) device has recently been introduced; however, data on its scope of use and clinical effectiveness are limited. Krishnan et al. aimed to assess the clinical course and effectiveness of this TTSS device.

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