Planta Medica | 全新天然药物研究内容精选 2023-07-27

Professors Kayser and Fürst's Highlights

病毒的出现凸显了开发新型广谱抗病毒药物以减轻人类感染的必要性。Bidart等人在原创论文Antiviral Effect of Natural and Semisynthetic Diterpenoids against Adenovirus Infection in vitr中研究了分别从麻风树和迷迭香中分离出来的麻风树酮 A 和 B 以及肉豆蔻酸合成的几种二萜类衍生物,以寻找新的生物活性植物分子,满足世界对新型创新抗病毒药物的需求。

真菌衍生的聚酮化合物-萜类杂合体是重要的类萜天然产物,具有多种结构支架和广泛的生物活性。在综述Filamentous Fungi-Derived Orsellinic Acid-Sesquiterpene Meroterpenoid中, Gao等人重点介绍了一个不断增长的类萜类化合物,即奥赛林酸-倍半萜混合物,其由奥赛林酸生物合成起始单元与法呢基或/及其修饰的环状产物偶联组成。阅读新兴天然药物组如何影响药物发现是很有趣的事情。


Original Papers

Antiviral Effect of Natural and Semisynthetic Diterpenoids against Adenovirus Infection in vitro

Bidart JE et al.

The emergence and re-emergence of viruses has highlighted the need to develop new broad-spectrum antivirals to mitigate human infections. Pursuing our search for new bioactive plant-derived molecules, we study several diterpene derivatives synthesized from jatropholones A and B and carnosic acid isolated from Jatropha isabellei and Rosmarinus officinalis, respectively. Here, we investigate the antiviral effect of the diterpenes against human adenovirus (HAdV-5) that causes several infections for which there is no approved antiviral therapy yet. Ten compounds are evaluated and none of them present cytotoxicity in A549 cells. Only compounds 2, 5 and 9 inhibit HAdV-5 replication in a concentration-dependent manner, without virucidal activity, whereas the antiviral action takes place after virus internalization. The expression of viral proteins E1A and Hexon is strongly inhibited by compounds 2 and 5 and, in a lesser degree, by compound 9. Since compounds 2, 5 and 9 prevent ERK activation, they might exert their antiviral action by interfering in the host cell functions required for virus replication. Besides, the compounds have an anti-inflammatory profile since they significantly inhibit the levels of IL-6 and IL-8 produced by THP-1 cells infected with HAdV-5 or with an adenoviral vector. In conclusion, diterpenes 2, 5 and 9 not only exert antiviral activity against adenovirus but also are able to restrain pro-inflammatory cytokines induced by the virus.



Filamentous Fungi-Derived Orsellinic Acid-Sesquiterpene Meroterpenoids: Fungal Sources, Chemical Structures, Bioactivities, and Biosynthesis

Hua Gao, Luning Zhou, Peng Zhang, Ying Wang, Xuan Qian, Yujia Liu, Guangwei Wu

Fungi-derived polyketide-terpenoid hybrids are important meroterpenoid natural products that possess diverse structure scaffolds with a broad spectrum of bioactivities. Herein, we focus on an ever-increasing group of meroterpenoids, orsellinic acid-sesquiterpene hybrids comprised of biosynthetic start unit orsellinic acid coupling to a farnesyl group or/and its modified cyclic products. The review entails the search of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Web of Science, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and PubMed databases up to June 2022. The key terms include “orsellinic acid”, “sesquiterpene”, “ascochlorin”, “ascofuranone”, and “Ascochyta viciae”, which are combined with the structures of “ascochlorin” and “ascofuranone” drawn by the Reaxys and Scifinder databases. In our search, these orsellinic acid-sesquiterpene hybrids are mainly produced by filamentous fungi. Ascochlorin was the first compound reported in 1968 and isolated from filamentous fungus Ascochyta viciae (synonym: Acremonium egyptiacum; Acremonium sclerotigenum); to date, 71 molecules are discovered from various filamentous fungi inhabiting in a variety of ecological niches. As typical representatives of the hybrid molecules, the biosynthetic pathway of ascofuranone and ascochlorin are discussed. The group of meroterpenoid hybrids exhibits a broad arrange of bioactivities, as highlighted by targeting hDHODH (human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase) inhibition, antitrypanosomal, and antimicrobial activities. This review summarizes the findings related to the structures, fungal sources, bioactivities, and their biosynthesis from 1968 to June 2022.