Issue 01 · Volume 39 · February 2023
Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty – Reducing Complications
Guest Editor: Callum Faris, MBBS
Facial Plastic Surgery 2023年第1期现已上线,欢迎免费阅读本期主编精选论文。
本期涵盖评估、技术选择和谨慎技术的应用,以最大限度地减少下眼睑成形术并发症的发生。 处理并发症可能具有挑战性,因此,更详细地介绍了常见的术后问题,例如结膜水肿和下眼睑错位。
Original article
Nate Jowett
This article provides an approach to management of the paralytic lower eyelid, including a summary of existing techniques, case examples, and surgical technique for in-office lower eyelid suspension using a palmaris longus tendon graft.
Original Research
Evaluating YouTube as a Source of Patient Information for Blefaroplasty
Fatih Savran , Emine S. Elibol
This study aims to evaluate the content and quality of popular videos about blepharoplasty treatment in YouTube. Four keywords “blepharoplasty,” “upper blepharoplasty,” “lower blepharoplasty,” and “blepharoplasty information” were searched in YouTube.