本期为您推荐Thieme医学期刊Planta Medica在2019年被引次数排名前五的论文。免费阅读或下载本期推荐论文PDF版,关注微信后回复“407”即可。
The Efficacy of Saffron in the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Depression: A Meta-analysis
Tóth B et al.
| Fig. 2 Effects of saffron on the severity of mild to moderate depression compared to placebo in a random effects model (n = 5).
El-Elimat T et al.
| Fig. 3 Comparison of exploratory activity in terms of (A) the time spent and (B) number of entries made to the central quadrant in the OFT among the control, silymarin, SPS, and SPS + silymarin groups with n = 14, 13, 16, and 17 in each group, respectively. SPS-induced rats spent significantly less time (F(3, 51) = 3.455, p = 0.020) and made a fewer number of visits to the central quadrant (F(3, 49) = 3.42, p = 0.024). Silymarin administration normalized exploratory activity, although it did not reach significance. Reported values are mean ± SEM. * denotes statistical significance from control.
Ren Y, Kinghorn AD.
Jo BG et al.
| Fig. 5 Effects of SCAE and luteolin 7-O-glucoside on skin barrier function in DNCB-induced atopic hairless mice. CON: control group, DNCB: 0.1% DNCB-treated group, DNCB-SCAE: 0.1% DNCB and 0.5% SCAE co-treated group, DNCB‑lut-7-glc: 0.1% DNCB and 0.5% luteolin 7-O-glucoside cotreated group, DNCB-Elidel: 0.1% DNCB and 1% Elidel co-treated group. An Aquaflux AF103 (Biox system) was used to measure transepidermal water loss (TEWL) values and a SKIN‑O‑MAT (Cosmomed) was used to evaluate the skin hydration. TEWL and skin hydration were measured weekly under standard conditions (25 ± 5°C, 55 ± 5% RH). A The amount of TEWL in the DNCB-SCAE group. B Estimation of skin hydration in the DNCBSCAE group. C Amount of TEWL in the DNCB‑lut-7-glc or 1% Elidel group. D Estimation of skin hydration in the DNCB‑lut-7-glc or 1% Elidel group. Results are expressed as means ± SEMs (n = 7). The means ± SEMs of two independent experiments are shown; #p < 0.05 vs. treatment naïve controls,
*p < 0.05 vs. DNCB-treated controls.
Antiplasmodial Lycorane Alkaloid Principles of the Plant Family Amaryllidaceae
Nair JJ, van Staden J.
| Fig. 2 Semisynthetically derived lycorane alkaloids that have been screened for antiplasmodial effects.
Issues per year : 18
Volume : 86
Year : 2020
ISSN : 0032-0943
影响因子2018: 2.746
Planta Medica为天然药物领域的国际领先期刊之一 - 包括海洋生物、真菌以及微生物和药用植物。Planta Medica 接受来自全球研究人员的原创研究论文、述评、短评和观点。本刊每年出版 18 期。涵盖药用植物和天然药物研究的以下领域:
药用植物和天然药物研究协会 (GA) 会刊:www.ga-online.org