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Is 300 Seconds ACT Safe and Efficient during MiECC Procedures?
Bauer et al.
| Fig. 1 Study time line: Time points for samples T1 to T11.
Beckmann et al.
| Fig. 1 Selected heart surgical categories (2009–2018). Notes: Congenital heart surgery: ASD repairs in adults or in combination with CABG or heart valve procedures are summarized in the CABG or heart valve procedure groups;miscellaneous procedures: all other types of procedures with ECC.
ElMahrouk et al.
| Table 2 Procedure-associated mortality
Effectiveness of Robotic Lobectomy—Outcome and Learning Curve in a High Volume Center
Cheufou et al.
| Fig. 1 Kaplan–Meier survival analysis following robotic lobectomy.
Grimminger et al.
| Fig. 1 Bar chart of the operation times of the thoracic part of each operation. Blue, red, and green bars represent the hybrid, minimally invasiveesophagectomy (MIE), and robot-assisted MIE (RAMIE) groups, respectively, and blue, red, and green lines represent the logarithmic hybrid, MIE, and RAMIE groups, respectively. Violet represents the cutoff point of the learning curve.
The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon
Issues per year : 8
Volume : 68
Year : 2020
ISSN : 0171-6425