Ultrasound International Open | 2019年度被引次数前五论文推荐 2020-03-30

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Vector Flow Imaging Compared with Digital Subtraction Angiography for Stenosis Assessment in the Superficial Femoral Artery – A Study of Vector Concentration, Velocity Ratio and Stenosis Degree Percentage

Hansen KL et al.


| Fig. 1 Vector velocity images of 2 patients with stenosis of the SFA are shown in a and b, where A corresponds to lesion no. 3 and B to lesion no. 1(Table 1). Both frames are taken from systole. The lesions are marked with an asterisk, and in each frame, the ROI for calculation of the vector concentration is illustrated with a white box. Direction and velocity of the blood flow estimated with TO are shown by the color map.

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Pediatric Transthoracic Cardiac Vector Flow Imaging – A Preliminary Pictorial Study

Hansen KL et al.


| Fig. 1 Blood flow in the right a and left b ventricle. Frames are recorded on two healthy newborns in apical four-chamber view. The direction andvelocity of the blood flow are given by the corresponding color maps and indicated by the superimposed vector arrows. rv = right ventricle, lv = left ventricle.

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EFSUMB Recommendations for Gastrointestinal Ultrasound Part 3: Endorectal, Endoanal and Perineal Ultrasound

Nuernberg D et al.


| Fig. 2 Contrast-enhanced radial endorectal ultrasound (ERUS) showing a hyperenhanced (hypervascular) semi-circumferential rectal tumor(red arrows), with an area of un-enhanced central necrosis (courtesy of Adrian Săftoiu, Elena Tatiana Ivan).

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The 'Disappearing' Liver on CEUS: Nothing to Worry About

Müller T et al.


| Fig. 1 Almost three minutes after the injection of SonoVue®, hyperechoic scattered areasappeared close to the portal vein branches and start spreading. Left: low MI mode.

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Gastric Emptying of Low- and High-Caloric Liquid Meals Measured Using Ultrasonography in Healthy Volunteers

Mazzawi T et al.


| Fig. 1 Representative ultrasonography image (this image was taken 10 min after a low-caloric liquid meal). Landmarks: A: liver, B: superior mesenteric vein, C: gastric antrum and D: aorta.

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Ultrasound UIO.JPG

Ultrasound International Open

Volume : 6
Year : 2020
ISSN : 2199-7152

Ultrasound International Open (UIO) 为医学和生物学跨学科超声领域的开放获取期刊,出版各学科关于超声诊断和治疗应用新进展的原创论文,侧重于临床应用。也会出版具有生理学主题以及研究超声和生物系统之间相互作用的技术性论文。 

通过 UIO 的在线投稿系统和快速在线发表机制,作者有机会快速分享他们的最新成果,同时,基于开放获取模式,大众可以免费、便捷地获取数据。UIO 发表原创和综述论文,以及快讯、技术发展、病例报告、图片论文和读者来信。也欢迎投稿和出版视频材料。在 UIO 上投稿的所有论文均经过严格的同行盲评。除了一贯的营销和宣传之外,作者还将受益于Thieme提供的高质量编辑服务,以获得广泛的知名度和读者群。

作为开放获取刊物,UIO 的所有文章均可于Thieme 电子期刊平台上免费阅读和下载。UIO 是European Journal of Ultrasound的开放获取姊妹期刊。 

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