Science of Synthesis | 20周年庆:精选论文免费阅读 2020-03-31


We transform synthesis! 

一百多年来,Thieme Chemistry一直提供最佳合成方法的综述;二十多年来,Science of Synthesis(SoS)秉持来自化学家、为了化学家的理念,在线提供主题精选综述。


同时,我们很高兴地与您分享,Science of Synthesis (4.17)的最新更新已经上线,包括关于Dual Catalysis的全新内容,欢迎您阅读。

New Content - SoS Release 4.17, March 2020   

New: Dual Catalysis in Organic Synthesis    

This release includes the new reference library volume: "Dual Catalysis in Organic Synthesis" (Vols. 1 & 2) edited by G. A. Molander (approx. 840 pages). 

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Selected articles from SoS - Free   

SoS 成立于 2000 年,由世界著名有机化学家组成国际编辑委员会。除了在编辑委员会任职、指导项目方向外,许多编委成员也为SoS贡献了个人专业知识。在这里,我们为您精选三篇来自SoS原始编委的论文免费阅读:

Spiroketals (Steven Ley, Lech-Gustav Milroy, Rebecca Myers)
Mannich Reaction (Noah Burns, Eric Jacobsen)
› Four-Membered Rings with One or More Heteroatoms (Manfred Regitz, Uwe Bergsträsser)

多年来,许多新化学家加入了 SoS 编辑委员会,保证期刊活力的同时,带来了新的想法和经验。在这里,我们为您精选三位新加入编委成员的论文——Shu Kobayashi、Cristina Nevado和游书力教授。

› Perspective: The New World of Organic Chemistry Using Water as Solvent (Shu Kobayashi)

› Gold-Catalyzed Reactions of Alkenes (Teresa de Haro, David Garayalde, Cristina Nevado)

C—C Bond Formation by Double C—H Activation (Jibao Xia, Shuli You)

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Congratulations, Science of Synthesis!    


Steven Ley教授 | 剑桥大学

I wish you warmest personal best wishes on the 20th anniversary of Science of Synthesis. The chemical community owes you an enormous debt of gratitude in the production of this epic collection and evaluation of our science. Long may it continue."


Halina Kwiecien教授


It gives me great pleasure to send my very best wishes for the 20th birthday of Science of Synthesis. Science of Synthesis can only be described as a great achievement. Congratulations! All the best for many more decades!"


David Black教授 | 威尔士大学 悉尼

It is a pleasure to send my very best wishes for the 20th birthday of Science of Synthesis. It is a wonderful achievement and will provide the benchmark source for many years to come. Congratulations!"    


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