本期为您推荐Thieme医学期刊The Journal of Knee Surgery在2019年被引次数排名前五的论文。免费阅读或下载本期推荐论文PDF版,请在关注微信后回复“327”即可。
Piuzzi et al.
| Table 1 Pricing information of PRP therapies marketed to consumers for knee osteoarthritis in the United States.
Hampp et al.
| Fig. 1 Robotic-arm assisted total knee arthroplasty system.
The Impact of Medical Comorbidities on Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty Reimbursements
Sabeh et al.
| Fig. 1 Mean reimbursement variation by comorbidity for the 90-day postoperative period following primary TKA excluding day of surgery. General database indicates the mean reimbursement of all TKAs performed in the database. CKD, chronic kidney disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; TKA, total knee arthroplasty.
The Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis
Southworth et al.
Fig. 1 Stepwise platelet-rich plasma (PRP) preparation. (A) Venous blood. (B) Separation of red blood cells, platelets, and plasma aftercentrifuge. (C) Extraction of PRP from sample. (D) Isolated PRP.
Longo et al.
| Table 3 Clinical scores
Issues per year : 11
Volume : 33
Year : 2020
ISSN : 1538-8506
影响因子 2018:1.591
Journal of Knee Surgery 涵盖了与关节镜、关节成形术和膝关节重建手术等整形外科技术相关的一系列主题。除了原创的同行评审论文外,本刊还提供有关新兴外科技术的详细信息,以及综述和特别关注版块。热门主题包括十字韧带修复和重建、骨移植、软骨再生和磁共振成像。
Journal of Knee Surgery 以全彩色出版,是所有膝关节外科医生、骨科和运动医学专家不可或缺的资源。