Journal of Wrist Surgery: Issue 1/2024 is ready! 2024-02-22

Issue 01

February 2024

Open Access



Nakamura, Toshiyasu:

Classifications of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Lesions

Special Review: Classifications of TFCC Lesions

Herzberg, Guillaume; Burnier, Marion; Ly, Lyliane; Nakamura, Toshiyatsu; Piñal, Francisco del; Atzei, Andrea:

A New Arthroscopic Classification of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Disorders

Scientific Article

Stougie, Shirley D.; Zijlker, Hero J.A.; Coert, J Henk:

Clinical Results of Patients with Combined Aptis Distal Radioulnar Joint Arthroplasty and Total Wrist Arthroplasty

Solgård, Lars; Gvozdenovic, Robert:

Single- and Bicolumn Limited Intercarpal Fusion: A Solution for the SLAC or SNAC Wrist

Zondervan, Robert L.; Childe, Jessica R.; Kustasz, Robin; Hornbach, Erich E.:

Scaphoid Nonunions Treated with Nonvascularized Bone Grafting and Screw Fixation

Simonsen, Sabine; Gvozdenovic, Robert:

A Modified Arthroscopic Ulnar Tunnel Technique for Combined Foveal and Capsular (All-Inside) Fixation of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Injury

Li, Yibo; Beaudry, Eric; Besada, Nader; Chan, Robert; Westover, Lindsey:

Biomechanical Comparison of Distal Radioulnar Joint Reconstruction Graft Preparation Techniques

Ecker, Jeff; Pavleski, Karolina; Andrijich, Courtney:

The Hook Test Is Not Pathognomonic for Foveal Detachment of the Triangular Fibrocartilage

Krishna, Sathya Vamsi; Fernandez, Diego L.:

Radially Displaced Perilunate Injuries: A Report of Two Cases

Scientific article

Kwan, Stephanie A.; Wang, William L.; Tulipan, Jacob E.; Kachooei, Amir; Beredjiklian, Pedro K.; Rivlin, Michael:

Metacarpal Shortening with Intramedullary Screw Fixation: A Cadaveric Study


Tang, Camelia Q. Y.; Jiang, Jackson K. H.; Chin, Andrew Y. H.; Choudhury, Muntasir M.:

All-Arthroscopic Foveal Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tendon Reconstruction

Smith, Nicholas Charles; Yates, Sally E.; Mettyas, Tamer:

Open Volar STT Ligament Reconstruction to Augment the Mathoulin's Arthroscopic Dorsal Capsuloligamentous Reconstruction: Technique Description and Case Reports

Case Report

Ravoyard, Salomé; Andre, Lisa; Chammas, Michel; Degeorge, Benjamin:

Palmar Dislocation Fracture of the Hamate: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Chin-Yi Liao, Janice; Meng Kiat Tan, David:

Radial Midcarpal Instability Treated with Radioscaphocapitate Ligament Recession: A Case Report

Survey or Meta-Analysis

Román-Veas, Javier; Gutiérrez-Espinoza, Héctor; Campos-Jara, Christian; Martínez-García, Darío:

Arthroscopic Assistance in Surgical Management of Distal Radius Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Letter to the Editor

Liverneaux, Philippe:

Comment: Theca Primary Cost Drivers of Outpatient Distal Radius Fracture Fixation: A Cost-Minimalization Analysis of 15,379 Cases