Issue 07 · Volume 55 · July 2023
Endoscopy 2023年第7期现已上线。欢迎免费阅读本期主编精选的三篇论文。
本期第一篇精选文章的主题是腔镜金属支架 (LAMS) 的移除。Bazaga等人对西班牙全国范围内的前瞻性登记中的158 例移除手术进行了研究。总体不良事件发生率为5.1%,8.2%的移除手术在留置约6周后被归类为复杂手术。不过,在大多数情况下,LAMS 都能轻松、安全地取出;可能导致复杂取出的风险因素包括支架嵌入、过线部署和较长的留置时间。
大结直肠病变内镜粘膜切除术(EMR)后持续腹痛的发生率尚不清楚。在本期第二篇精选论文中,Desomer等人进行的一项单中心前瞻性研究,显示20% (67/336) 的患者经历了术后疼痛。大多数患者通过静脉注射扑热息痛控制疼痛,但 16/67 (24%) 需要阿片类药物,其中5名 (7%) 患者无反应,需要入院并进一步评估。
EMR是彻底切除大的或横向扩散的无蒂结直肠息肉的护理标准。 在一份免费的立场声明中,欧洲消化内镜学会 (ESGE) 课程工作组列出了结肠内镜手术培训的先决条件、完成培训所需的理论知识和实践技能,以及在独立实践前应如何定义和证明能力。
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Original article
Bazaga Sergio et al.
Removing lumen-apposing metal stents (LAMSs) may be difficult and even harmful, but these features have seldom been analyzed. The authors aimed to generate a comprehensive assessment of the feasibility and safety of LAMS retrieval procedures.
Original article
Desomer Lobke et al.
The frequency and severity of abdominal pain after endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of colonic laterally spreading lesions (LSLs) of ≥ 20 mm is unknown, as are the risk factors to predict its occurrence. The authors aimed to prospectively characterize pain after colonic EMR , determine the rapidity and frequency of its resolution after analgesia, and estimate the frequency of needing further intervention.
Position Statement
Tate David J et al.
This manuscript represents the outcome of a formal Delphi process resulting in an official Position Statement of the ESGE and provides a framework to develop and maintain skills in EMR. This curriculum is set out in terms of the prerequisites for training, the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for completion of training, and how competence should be defined and evidenced prior to independent practice.