COVID-19大流行正在对个人健康、医疗系统和全球经济造成重大负担。虽然新型抗病毒化合物的开发既耗时又昂贵,但最近流行的重新使用已确定的精神药理学药物的方法引领了对具有抗COVID-19活性药物的深入研究,并取得了一些显著成果。因此,编辑们在本期 Pharmacopsychiatry 特刊中汇编了一系列论文,以描绘 COVID-19 疾病与精神药物之间的惊人关系。
Mueller 等人的贡献全面概述了神经精神化合物抗 COVID-19 感染的现有证据,以及在受控环境中测试这些药物的正在进行的试验状态。诚挚地邀请您阅读Pharmacopsychiatry最新一期的论文:Neuropsychiatric Drugs Against COVID-19: What is the Clinical Evidence?
Issue 01 · Volume 55 · January 2022
Special Issue Psychotropic Drugs and COVID
Neuropsychiatric Drugs Against COVID-19: What is the Clinical Evidence?
Machens A et al.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic, the need for effective treatments for COVID-19 led to the idea of “repurposing” drugs for antiviral treatment. Several antipsychotics and antidepressants have been tested for in vitro activity against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Chlorpromazine, other phenothiazine antipsychotics, and the antidepressant fluoxetine were found to be rather potent in these studies. However, whether effective plasma concentrations can be obtained with clinically accepted doses of these drugs is not clear. Data of COVID-19 patients are not yet available but several clinical studies are currently underway.
The specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluvoxamine is a potent Sigma-1 receptor agonist and reduces inflammation in animal models of cytokine-stress. Accordingly, fluvoxamine treatment was superior to placebo in reducing impaired respiratory function and other symptoms of inflammation in COVID-19 patients in a placebo-controlled clinical study and another open clinical trial. The beneficial effects of fluvoxamine on the course of COVID-19 were recently confirmed in a large placebo-controlled double-blind trial with several hundred patients.
Inflammation represents a major risk factor for many psychiatric disorders which explains the high susceptibilitiy of COVID-19 patients for psychiatric diseases. Many antidepressants and antipsychotics possess anti-inflammatory properties independent of sigma-1 activity which might be important to reduce psychiatric symptoms of COVID-19 patients and to improve respiratory dysfunction and other consequences of inflammation. This might explain the rather unspecific benefit which has been reported for several cohorts of COVID-19 patients treated with different psychotropic drugs.