本期为您推荐Thieme运动医学期刊International Journal of Sports Medicine在2019年被引次数排名前五的论文。免费阅读或下载本期推荐论文PDF版,请关注微信后回复“318”即可。
Ethical Standards in Sport and Exercise Science Research: 2020 Update
Harriss DJ et al.
For publication in the International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM), studies must have been conducted in accordance with recognised ethical standards and national/international laws. At the very first stage of paper submission, authors are required to confirm that these standards and laws have been adhered to by reading this editorial. Authors who do not provide any information regarding ethical approval will have their manuscripts rejected before it enters the peer-review process, without any option to resubmit.
MicroRNA Profile and Adaptive Response to Exercise Training: A Review
Domańska-Senderowska D et al.
| Fig. 1 MicroRNA biogenesis and mechanisms of action. MicroRNAs are initially transcribed by polymerase II as pri-miRNA transcripts which are processed by Drosha to generate pre-miRNAs.
Anthropometry, Physical and Movement Features, and Repeated-sprint Ability in Soccer Players
Campa F et al.
| Fig. 3 Correlation between 10 and 20 m sprint time with repeated-sprint ability sprint decrement.
Suspension Training HIIT Improves Gait Speed, Strength and Quality of Life in Older Adults
Jiménez-García JD et al.
| Fig. 1 Flow chart of the participants.
Acute Exercise Increases the Expression of KIR2DS4 by Promoter Demethylation in NK Cells
Schenk A et al.
| Fig. 1 Gene loci of KIR2DS4 and KIR3DL1. Transcription initiation sites of both genes are marked with 0 and positions of the analyzed CpGs are in relation to the transcription initiation site. In addition to the position relative to the transcription initiation site, the absolute positions of CpGs on chromosome 19 are presented.
International Journal of Sports Medicine
Issues per year : 14
Volume : 41
Year : 2020
ISSN : 0172-4622
影响因子 2018:2.132
本刊搭建了一个出版关于促进运动医学和运动科学领域发展的基础和应用信息论文的论坛,以加深对生物医学的理解。International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM) 广泛涵盖了以下主题: