Pharmaceutical Fronts: issue 2/2023 is ready! 2023-07-21


Issue 02 · Volume 05 · June 2023


  • 镰状细胞病:干细胞移植治疗综述(综述)

  • Xylopia aethiopica 对大鼠良性前列腺增生的改善作用评价(原创)

  • Gnaphalium Affine体内抗高尿酸活性成分发现:3,4,5-Tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid, 4,4’,6’-Trihydroxy-2’-Methoxychalcone, Caffeic Acid(原创)

  • 抗血小板新药坎格瑞洛(Kengreal, cangrelor)重要合成中间体 2-Thioadenosine Monohydrate 新工艺的开发研究(原创)

  • 组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂(histone deacetylase inhibitors, HDACi)西达本胺(Chidamide)创新性合成及晶体结构分析(原创)

  • 单晶氟比洛芬(Flurbiprofen)-水杨酰胺(Salicylamide)共晶的制备 (原创)

  • Manihot esculentus 淀粉磷酸酯用于乳膏的制备,及其质量评价(原创)


Review Article

The Present Condition of Sickle Cell Disease: An Overview of Stem Cell Transplantation as a Cure

Hussain, Md. Sadique; Chaturvedi, Varunesh

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Original Article

In Vivo and in Silico Assessment of Ameliorative Effects of Xylopia aethiopica on Testosterone Propionate-Induced Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Ibiam, Udu A.; Uti, Daniel E.; Ejeogo, Chris C.; Orji, Obasi U.; Aja, Patrick M.; Nwamaka, Ezeaani N.; Alum, Esther U.; Chukwu, Chukwuma; Aloke, Chinyere; Chinedum, Kate E.; Agu, Peter; Nwobodo, Valentine

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In Vivo Antihyperuricemic Activities of 3,4,5-Tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid, 4,4',6'-Trihydroxy-2'-Methoxychalcone, and Caffeic Acid from the Aerial Parts of Gnaphalium Affine

Jia, An; Liu, Fei; Fan, Si-Yang

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Synthesis and Impurity Research of 2-Thioadenosine Monohydrate

Xiang, Jing-Jing; Jiang, Bi-Bo; Sun, Wen-Qing; Zhang, Fu-Li; Yu, Jun

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Synthesis and Crystal Structure Analysis of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Chidamide

Han, Bo; Peng, Xin-Yan; Gong, Yan-Qing; Zhong, Jia-Liang; Zhang, Qing-Wei

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Preparation and Study on the Single-Crystal Structure of Flurbiprofen–Salicylamide Co-crystal

Hou, Jia-Wei; Gong, Yan-Qing; Li, Gang; Ma, Li-Wen; Pan, Hong-Juan; Shan, Han-Bin; Zhong, Jia-Liang

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Formulation and Evaluation of Starch Phosphate-Based Cream Derived from Manihot esculentus

Achor, Mohammed; Abdullahi, Buhari Muntaqa

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Pharmaceutical Fronts

期刊宗旨 反映全球医药工业及其相关领域的工业化、工程化、产业化研究的重大成果为目标,报道医药工业领域前沿研究内容,兼及新技术、新设备和新方法的介绍与推广。涵盖医药工业研发流程上下游相关内容,重点突出实用及新型技术。

栏目设置 原创研究论文,高质量的综述,评论和简讯

研究领域 化学药物与合成技术/不对称催化与绿色化学/药物化学/微生物药物和生物制药/药物科学与制剂技术/分析科学/工程创新/工艺安全与法规科学

主编 陈芬儿(中国工程院院士、复旦大学教授)

主办单位 中国医药工业研究总院

协办单位 中国医药工业信息中心




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