困难插管的明确定义对于ERCP过程中的决策很重要,欧洲胃肠内镜学会(ESGE)提出了“5-5-1”标准:> 5 min尝试插管,> 5次插管尝试,或 > 1次非预期胰管插管。在一项倾向评分匹配研究中,Wang et al.建议对于学员参与的程序,可将其适当修订为15-10-2。
尽管帽辅助EMR(EMR-C)已被描述用于切除扁平结直肠息肉,但尚未报告其对非隆起性息肉的潜在有效性。Van der Voort等人发现EMR-C可用于切除良性纤维化结直肠息肉,尽管完全切除有时需要反复干预。
Issue 05 · Volume 54 · May 2022
Original article
Xu Wang, Hui Luo, Qin Tao, Gui Ren, Xiangping Wang, Shuhui Liang, Linhui Zhang, Long Chen, Xin Shi, Xuegang Guo, Yanglin Pan
The 5–5–1 criteria (> 5 minutes – 5 cannulation attempts – 1 unintended pancreas duct cannulation) were proposed by the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy to define difficult biliary cannulation. However, the criteria may be inappropriate for trainee-involved procedures. The authors developed criteria for difficult cannulation in trainee-involved procedures.
Original article
Nass Karlijn J et al.
To optimize colonoscopy quality, several performance measures have been developed. These are usually assessed without distinction between the indications for colonoscopy. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of linking two national registries (one for colonoscopy and one for adverse events of gastrointestinal endoscopies in the Netherlands), and to describe the results of colonoscopy quality per indication.
Innovations and brief communications
Van der Voort VeroniqueR H et al.
Suboptimal lifting increases complexity of endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) for benign colorectal polyps. Cap-assisted EMR (EMR-C) may allow fibrotic polyp tissue to be captured in the snare. This study evaluated the efficacy and safety of EMR-C for benign nonlifting colorectal polyps.