Issue 01 · Volume 38 · February 2022
Why Not Endonasal Rhinoplasty?
Guest Editor: Michael Adelard Carron, MD
我们很高兴为您带来2022年第一期Facial Plastic Surgery!
在过去的30年里,外路隆鼻术越来越流行,隆鼻术培训范式在很大程度上已经转向首先开放入路,许多新培训(和一些老牌)的外科医生对鼻内入路的益处不熟悉或不舒服。医学博士Michael Carron召集了一系列隆鼻术专家来解决这个问题,“为什么不进行鼻内成形术(Why Not Endonasal Rhinoplasty)?”
Original Article
Lee et al.
Rhinoplasty is arguably one of the most challenging but rewarding procedures for the facial plastic surgeon. To adequately improve facial aesthetic parameters and preserve nasal function, the appropriate utilization of grafts is of utmost importance.
Original Article
Improving Projection of the Nasal Tip in Primary Endonasal Rhinoplasty
Pastorek, Cleveland
The senior author uses a combination of suture, strut, and cartilage grafting techniques to achieve ideal projection in a manor tailored to each patient's unique anatomic needs.
Original Article
Gantous, Ziai
The authors present their views on the merits of external rhinoplasty in the context of a renewed awareness of the endonasal approach. Why do we continue to perform rhinoplasty via an open approach?