本期为您推荐Thieme医学期刊Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery在2019年被引次数排名前五的论文。免费阅读或下载本期推荐论文PDF版,关注微信后回复“325”即可。
Hunsinger et al.
| Table 2 Comparative results between the fleur-de-lys and the horizontal PAP flap procedures. |
DeFazio et al.
| Fig. 1 Non-stratified algorithm for flap thromboprophylaxis in hypercoagulable patients. ASA, aspirin; LDHI, low-dose heparin infusion; POD, postoperative day; SQH, subcutaneous heparin.|
Gilbert Fernandez et al.
| Fig. 4 Visitors from all over the world came to observe the results from the first hand transplant. In the picture we can see from left to right: Drs. RichardWilson, Cornelio Saenz Vera, Robert Goldwyn, Allan Weintrub, Commander Buckley from the U.S. Navy standing in the back. Courtesy of El Universo.|
Developing a Three-Layered Synthetic Microsurgical Simulation Vessel
Cooper et al.
| Fig. 4 The original results are shown from Nimmons et al with the expected scores for experts in the task specific score. The “experts” in this study (n ¼ 14) scored within the expected range (red line superimposed on results: mean 12.6 for total task specific score). Reproduced with permission of Wiley Publisher. © 2012 The American Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Society, Inc.|
Immediate Unilateral Breast Reconstruction using Abdominally Based Flaps: Analysis of 3,310 Cases
Kwok et al.
| Table 3 Total charges, length of stay, and complications in patients undergoing immediate abdominally based unilateral breastreconstruction.|
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Issues per year : 9
Volume : 36
Year : 2020
ISSN : 0743-684X
影响因子 2018:1.837
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery创刊于1984年,旨在为重建显微外科和复杂的重建外科领域的论文发表提供一个国际平台。
本刊为同行评审期刊,所有论文均经过该领域国际专家的严格评审。Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery提供了跨越基础实验室、转化和临床研究的最新原创研究成果。综述论文涵盖复杂重建和显微外科等当今的热门主题。此外,特别版块还探讨新技术、创新、材料和重大问题病例等主题。