SYNLETT第9期已经上线!本期封面论文来自美国阿尔巴尼大学Ting Wang及其同事。欢迎您阅读全文。
Juncheng Li, Gaoyuan Zhao, Ting Wang
Key words:
photoacids - glycosylation - 2-deoxyglycosides - visible-light - photocatalysis
Photoacids are molecules that become more acidic upon absorption of light. They are widely utilized in a variety of fields, such as organic synthesis, molecular switching agents, and photodynamic therapy. Currently, the activity of most photoacids is induced by UV light, which limits their applications by the synthetic community. In this Synpacts article, we highlight our recent development of visible-light-induced photoacids and their application in glycosylation reactions.
Visible-Light-Induced Photoacids
Synthesis of 2-Deoxyglycosides by Visible-Light-Induced Photoacid Catalysis